We feel good when we see you happy.
Our services
We offer a variety of cleaning services which include Residential Cleanings, Commercial Cleanings, Exterior Cleanings, Airbnb Cleanings and Green Cleanings.
We truly strive to surpass expectations in every cleaning session by meticulously ensuring that every nook and cranny of your home, from the ceiling to the floor, gleams with cleanliness.
Our one-time cleaning service is perfect for those moments when you need a thorough, top-to-bottom clean of your space. Whether you're preparing for a special event, recovering from a party, or simply want a fresh start, our team is ready to make your home or office sparkle.
Our recurring cleaning service is designed to keep your home or office consistently clean and fresh. With regular visits from our professional cleaning team, you can enjoy a pristine environment without the hassle. Choose a schedule that fits your lifestyle, and let us take care of the rest.
Moving can be stressful, but our move-in and move-out cleaning services are here to make the transition smoother. Whether you’re preparing to leave your old home or getting ready to settle into a new one, our professional cleaning team will ensure the space is spotless.
Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home and get rid of the accumulated dust and clutter. Our comprehensive spring cleaning service is designed to rejuvenate your living space, making it fresh, clean, and ready for the season ahead.
Need to get rid of unwanted items and clutter? Our professional junk removal service is here to help. Whether you’re clearing out your home, office, garage, or yard, our team will efficiently and responsibly remove and dispose of your junk, giving you back valuable space.
Keeping your oven and refrigerator clean is essential for maintaining a hygienic and efficient kitchen. Our professional cleaning service ensures that these appliances are meticulously cleaned, removing grease, grime, and food residue to keep them functioning optimally and looking their best.
Carpet Cleaning
Revitalize your carpets with our expert cleaning services. We use advanced methods to remove dirt and stains, leaving your home or office looking and feeling fresh. Experience the difference with our meticulous care and eco-friendly products.
Rugs add warmth and style to your home, but they can also trap dirt, allergens, and stains. Our professional rug cleaning service is designed to restore the beauty and cleanliness of your rugs, ensuring they look great and last longer. Trust our experienced team to provide a thorough and effective clean for all types of rugs.
Over time, upholstery can accumulate dirt, stains, and allergens, diminishing the appearance and comfort of your furniture. Our professional upholstery cleaning service is designed to rejuvenate your furniture, making it look, feel, and smell fresh again. Trust our experienced team to provide a thorough and effective clean for all types of upholstery fabrics.
Moving in or out of a home or office can be a stressful experience. Our move-in and move-out carpet cleaning service is designed to make the transition smoother by ensuring your carpets are spotless and ready for the next occupants. Trust our experienced team to provide a thorough and effective clean for all your carpeted areas.
Transform your property with our comprehensive exterior cleaning services. From power washing to window cleaning, we restore surfaces to their pristine condition. Using state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly solutions, we ensure a thorough and environmentally-conscious clean. Trust our skilled team to enhance your home's curb appeal with professional exterior cleaning you can rely on.
Clean windows can transform the appearance of your home or business, enhancing natural light and providing a clearer view of the outside world. Our professional window washing service is designed to leave your windows spotless, streak-free, and gleaming. Trust our experienced team to provide a thorough and effective clean for all your window needs.
Maintaining clean gutters is crucial for protecting your home from water damage and preventing costly repairs. Our professional gutter cleaning service ensures that your gutters and downspouts are free of debris, allowing rainwater to flow smoothly and effectively. Trust our experienced team to provide a thorough and efficient clean for your gutters.
Over time, surfaces around your home or business can become stained, dirty, and weathered. Our professional pressure washing service is designed to remove built-up grime, mold, mildew, and other contaminants, restoring the beauty and cleanliness of your exterior surfaces. Trust our experienced team to deliver a thorough and effective clean with our advanced pressure washing techniques.
Commercial Cleaning
First impressions are everything keeping your commercial space neat and clean is an integral part of maintaining your facility, improving productivity and attracting and maintaining customers. A dirty office or restroom creates a bad impression on clients. Exposure to bacteria and viruses can cause illness among employees and customers. We know all about germs, dust, and dirt - and how to best remove them from the workplace. When your business is consistently clean and sanitary, everyone benefits.
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“Lilis Cleaning Services provides professional, friendly, and excellent service. We have been consistently happy with their work and greatly appreciate the extra level of commitment and care they provide.”